Koi Pharma® Pure Salt is a perfect and All-Natural solution in controlling parasites and protozoa specific infestations that include Dactylogyrus, Bryodcytulus, Epistylis, Trichodina and Chilodonella. When used on a routine basis in keeping the salinity of the pond above 0ppt, it improves the electrolytic intake of Koi and Goldfish which aids to establish and fortify their protective slime coat. This product is also quintessential when battling nitrites in the pond as it will prevent the nitrites entering the Koi's bloodstream and developing Brown Blood Disease when used as directed. All around, Koi Pharma® Pure Salt is a necessary product in your medicine cabinet for your koi and a go-to product when quarantining new or sick fish.
Dosage Rate
Maintenance/Routine Application Rate (Can be used routinely after water changes or after a pond cleanout).
Ponds WITH Aquatic Plants:
Use 0.5 lbs of Koi Pharma® Pure Salt per 100 gallons of pond water (This will provide a concentration of 0.05% [0.5 ppt])
Ponds WITHOUT Aquatic Plants:
Use 1.5 lbs of Koi Pharma® Pure Salt per 100 gallons of pond water (This will provide a concentration between 0.15% [1.5ppt])
Persistent Problem (Treating Disease) Application Rate (Be sure to increase the amount of aeration to the pond during treatment)
Ponds WITH Aquatic Plants:
Use 0.75 lb of Koi Pharma® Pure Salt per 100 gallons of pond water (This will provide a concentration of 0.075% [0.75 ppt])
Ponds WITHOUT Aquatic Plants:
Use 3 lbs of Koi Pharma® Pure Salt per 100 gallons of pond water (This will provide a concentration of 0.3% [3.0 ppt])
Quarantining (Severe Disease Treatment) Application Rate (Be sure to increase the amount of aeration to the pond during treatment)
Use 5 lbs of Koi Pharma® Pure Salt per 100 gallons of pond water (This will provide a concentration of 0.5% [5.0 ppt]). Use at this concentration for a max of 2 weeks and then begin to decrease the salt concentration by doing water changes.
Use Warnings:
Do NOT overdose.
When adding salt to ponds that contain aquatic plants, be especially careful in monitoring salt concentration as salt can have a toxic effect on plants.
Before adding salt to your pond, remove any zeolite products being used.
Do not add medications like Koi Pharma® Pure Broad Spectrum, or any other variety of a Formalin and Malachite Green medication, to the pond when salt is in the water, it WILL kill your fish.
Be aware that Koi Pharma Pure Salt does not evaporate out of the water and it will not be filtered out. Take precaution when dosing with Koi Pharma Pure Salt and only apply more when you have completed a water change and have used a salinity to confirm salt concentration. Do not add more Koi Pharma Pure Salt if topping off your pond due to evaporation. Use a salinity meter if you are unsure.
Failure to use as directed, or any sudden changes in your water conditions not consistent with the label, can result in the loss and or injury of your fish or other aquatic life. Koi Pharma®, or any of its entities, are not responsible for any loss of life, aquatic or otherwise.
We offer a Live Arrival Guarantee when shipping insurance is purchased. Check our shipping page for details.
We primarily ship Koi using Southwest Cargo for fast and reliable delivery. In certain circumstances, we may use UPS as an alternative. Visit our shipping page for more information about shipping your koi.
Koi Pharma Pure Broad Spectrum: Use at water temperatures of 50°F or higher. Treats parasites like Ich, Costia, and Trichodina.
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